VPN privacy policies decoded: WiTopia
Privacy & Security

VPN privacy policies decoded: WiTopia

This post is part of a series reviewing the privacy policies of popular VPN services. The aim is to find out whether the VPN takes customer privacy seriously. This is not intended as a review of a VPN service, which would need to take into account a number of other factors.

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VPN privacy policies decoded: AirVPN
Privacy & Security

VPN privacy policies decoded: AirVPN

This post is part of a series reviewing the privacy policies of popular VPN services. The aim is to find out whether the VPN takes customer privacy seriously. This is not intended as a review of a VPN service, which would need to take into account a number of other factors.

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VPN privacy policies decoded: StrongVPN
Privacy & Security

VPN privacy policies decoded: StrongVPN

This post is part of a series reviewing the privacy policies of popular VPN services. The aim is to find out whether the VPN takes customer privacy seriously. This is not intended as a review of a VPN service, which would need to take into account a number of other factors.

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VPN privacy policies decoded: Introduction
Privacy & Security

VPN privacy policies decoded: Introduction

As we’ve mentioned before on this blog, not all commercial VPN services are concerned about protecting your privacy, with some platforms presenting just as many surveillance risks as a regular ISP. VPN services are, of course, free to log your data and there’s nothing dishonest about this practice if it’s openly disclosed.

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The online privacy debate: Understanding the basics
Privacy & Security

The online privacy debate: Understanding the basics

The current debate being waged around online privacy isn’t always straightforward and can often be filled with legislative and technical jargon that confuses people. We frequently get questions on very fundamental aspects to understanding online privacy, such as the difference between privacy at the IP level and at the browser level, understanding what data retention is, or questions around the myriad of surveillance bills that seem to pop-up every month or so.

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