Is CISPA a threat to VPN users?
Privacy & Security

Is CISPA a threat to VPN users?

So the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act is firmly back on the agenda, with the infamous bill likely to be voted on in the next 24 hours. If CISPA does eventually become enacted it will likely see more US citizens turning to virtual private networks (VPNs) to help anonymise their internet activity.

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Top five defenders of online privacy
Privacy & Security

Top five defenders of online privacy

The attempted crackdown on online freedoms over the last few years has been relentless. From CISPA in the US, to the CCDP in the UK, governments around the world are ramping up efforts to increase internet surveillance, not to mention private corporations trying to impose draconian legislation such as SOPA and ACTA.

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European Parliament: "EU surveillance programmes are incompatible with the fundamental human rights of citizens and residents in the EU."
Privacy & Security

European Parliament: "EU surveillance programmes are incompatible with the fundamental human rights of citizens and residents in the EU."

A European Parliament study on state surveillance has concluded that surveillance programmes must be framed “in terms of collective freedoms and democracy” and current programmes are “incompatible” with the human rights of EU residents. The study, which was commissioned by the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, says:

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UK's Top five Worst Anti-Online Privacy Politicians
Privacy & Security

UK's Top five Worst Anti-Online Privacy Politicians

The UK is currently facing one of the biggest threats to its online freedoms. The looming Communications Capabilities Development Programme gives law enforcement unprecedented powers when it comes to accessing citizens’ online data. So we thought it might be fun to take a look back at which UK politicians have posed the biggest threat to online privacy and internet freedoms.

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